

Attention for fapiao collection

When purchase goods or service from third parties, the following points about fapiao collection should be noted:

1. Invoiced services or goods are actually used by the company regularly;

2. Whether the name and quantity of the goods on the invoice are correct. In particular, export companies should pay attention to the commodity name and unit of measurement in the purchase invoice and they are in export declaration form, these two should be same.

3. Personal expenses paid to non-employees, withholding of personal income tax is a must do work, the individuals must also invoice this service to the company (a single 500RMB service can be exempted from invoicing);

4. Sign corresponding contracts with suppliers;

5. Pay attention to three consistent: 

-The payee, invoice issued by, contract seller are the same one; 

-The payer, invoice issued for, and the contract buyer are the same one.

#Everything is important in daily business

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