

What is the monthly fapiao issuing limit of the company?

#The more you know, the less roller coaster you experience.

Today we will talk about fapiao issuing.

In China, when we talk about fapiao issuing, here fapiao means the fapiao got from tax office. Do you know, a company's monthly fapiao issuing has a limited amount. How to ensure your company can issue fapiao per your company's need? Firstly you need to pay attention to below 3 questions.

The first one, what is the monthly invoicing limit amount of the company? Since the monthly fapiao issuing limit of the company is not always a fixed amount, the company needs to pay attention to the change of the monthly quota. When the company needs to issue an invoice exceeding the quota, apply for a temporary increase in limit as earlier as possible.

The second one, what is the company's tax credit rating? The tax credit rating from highest to lowest is A-B-C-D. If falls into D or C, it will affect the the company's fapiao issuing and monthly fapiao limit amount.

The last one, what is the tax credit rating of the parent or subsidiary within the company? According to the regulations, such companies tax credit rating will affect the company's tax credit rating, when one of them unfortunately falls into grade D. So pay close attention to the tax credit rating of such companies, and dealt with adverse situations as soon as possible.

Any questions about fapiao issuing, please call our hotline at 021 6049 2821.

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