

Important things before registration a new company?

Registering a new company is not complicated in China, but development and growth of the company is really not easy. In order to make the original intention of starting a company come true, what special points must be considered in advance when registering a company?

Combined with our registration and deregistration services experience over the years, below tips for your reference:

First of all, ownership structure of the company. What percentage for each shareholder is better? Who has the controlling right?

Secondly, the company's seal and license management. Generally, a company’s seals mainly include the official seal, contract seal, financial seal and legal person’s seal, and the license here is the business license. Official seal and contract seal are often used to sign contracts, legal person’s seal and financial seal and online banking tokens control the payment of funds in a company. The big influence they may result requires proper authorization for safekeeping and use.

Next not the last, the company's staffing and salary level. It is no doubt: people are the first productivity, especially in startup companies, how to maintain a stable team under the limited salary level?

Running a company is really a difficult work, we hope we can be your assistance with our professional experience. Here is our senior consultancy Wechat, welcome you to join us to discuss or consult in accounting & tax and company’s registration.

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